Keyham Lane West

Academy Principal

0116 241 3371

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Academy Information

At Orchard 麻豆传媒 Academy all students, staff and parents share a common vision to Make a Positive Difference.

This underpins everything we do and will help us to achieve the best outcomes for all students.

At Orchard 麻豆传媒 Academy we work together to Make A Positive Difference:

To ourselves聽鈥 we support students to aim for the highest standards, not just in lessons and examinations, but also in extra-curricular activities. We encourage them to consider their behaviour and to understand how this behaviour makes a positive difference to them and their future prospects. Every individual truly matters and we support them to be the best they can be.

To others聽鈥 students at Orchard 麻豆传媒 Academy are encouraged to consider their place in society and to understand what it means to be a good citizen. The academy is involved in charitable activity and students participate in fundraising for good causes as well as actively helping others. The development of leadership skills for students is a new focus for the academy through our student leadership scheme.

To our world聽鈥 every day we encourage all members of our learning community to respect their surroundings and make sustainable choices for the future. We take collective responsibility to make Orchard 麻豆传媒 Academy, Leicester and the wider world a better place.

Our daily values support Orchard 麻豆传媒 Academy to be a welcoming, safe place.