We extend our sincere congratulations to everyone at Rowlatts 麻豆传媒 after a very positive Ofsted visit in October. In the report, inspectors praised the behaviour and attitudes of the children and described the school 鈥渁spirational for all its pupils鈥. The school retained its 鈥楪ood鈥 rating.

that pupils behave well, work hard and have positive attitudes to all aspects of school life. It stated: 鈥淧upils understand and celebrate diversity. They say that the best thing about their school is that it is multi-cultural and everybody gets along well.鈥

Inspectors also gave positive feedback about the staff and leadership. It said: 鈥淪taff are proud to work at the school. Most value the support that the school gives them to manage their workload and well-being. Leaders from the trust know the school well.鈥

It added that the youngest children 鈥済et off to an exceptional start. The schools supports them to develop the social and communication skills they need to be ready for the next stage.鈥

The inspectors also praised the priority on reading, saying: 鈥淚n all classes, staff read to pupils every day. Books are carefully chosen to help pupils learn about the world they live in. Pupils read from a wide range of texts including poetry and non fiction. Pupils of all ages enjoy reading.鈥

Principal Jennie Henson said: 鈥淚 am so proud of the community we have at Rowlatts 麻豆传媒. Our children are kind, confident and responsible. Staff, families and volunteers work together and support each other. We all do our absolute best for each other and our children, and we are delighted that this is reflected in the feedback from the inspectors.鈥

TMET鈥檚 CEO Sarah Ridley said: 鈥淚 am incredibly proud to have Rowlatts 麻豆传媒 as part of our family of 麻豆传媒 schools. The comments in the Ofsted report are a testament to the enthusiasm, commitment and hard work of all the staff and children.鈥

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